Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a urethane coating and big size print on the upper part. The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Nature with big size colour printLength: 19,5cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a special urethane coating.The design shows illustrations of Fūjin, the Japanese good of the wind, and Raijin, the good of lightning thunder and storm. The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Blue with white...
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a special urethane coating.The design shows illustrations of Fūjin, the Japanese good of the wind, and Raijin, the good of lightning thunder and storm. The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Black with gold colour...
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a urethane coating and big size print on the upper part. The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Nature with big size colour printLength: 19,5cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a urethane coating and big size print on the upper part. The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Nature with big size colour printLength: 21cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a urethane coating and big size print on the upper part. The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Nature with big size colour printLength: 21cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a coating finish.The design shows illustrations of cherry blossoms (sakura). The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Red with printLength: 22,5cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a coating finish.The design shows illustrations cherry blossoms (sakura). The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour:Blue with printLength: 22,5cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of bamboo with a coating finish and Shiba Inu design. The tips have a grooved finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Nature with colour printLength: 22,5cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of wood with a coating finish.The design shows illustrations of rabbits, cherry blossoms (sakura) and a golden moon. The tips have a special rough finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: RedLength: 22,5cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of wood with a coating finish.The design shows illustrations of rabbits, cherry blossoms (sakura) and a golden moon. The tips have a special rough finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: GreyLength: 22,5cm Made in Japan
Chopsticks made of wood with a coating finish.The design shows illustrations of rabbits, cherry blossoms (sakura) and a golden moon. The tips have a special rough finishing so that slippy food, like noodles, can be hold more easily. Material: Bamboo with polyurethane coatingColour: Light GreenLength: 22,5cm Made in Japan